  • GSI is moving in the direction of providing three dimensional subsurface models to meet the requirements of stakeholders and end users.
  • The sand and gravel aquifer mapping theme includes desk study, fieldwork, data collation, analysis and reporting.
  • The investigations to date have resulted in mapping of previously unknown sand and gravel deposits, and improved definitions of existing sand and gravel deposits.

The project meets three One Planet Living Principles as it identifies and maps areas of sand and gravel, which store, transmit and supply groundwater. Having a reliable water resource is an important component of each of the three principles listed.

  • Land Use and Wildlife

The mapping and characterisation project provides a better understanding of shallow groundwater resources, thus allowing stakeholders to make better management decisions on groundwater dependent ecosystems, which depend on sand and gravel aquifers. Having records of groundwater levels adjacent to SACs, SPAs and throughout all the sand and gravel aquifers provides groundwater level data, thus providing a baseline moving forward.

  • Sustainable Water

Having a reliable resource that is managed and controlled by the well owners ensures greater responsibility of the resource, and subsequently the protection of their resource. Mapping and getting a better understanding of sand and gravel aquifers will allow the sustainable design and abstraction from them, ensuring that abstractions should not exceed the recharge and groundwater throughput. This should help prevent the over-abstraction and depletion of these resources. Locally run schemes and private wells in sand and gravel aquifers are currently providing usable water for households, communities and small enterprises. Provided these resources are managed, they will continue to provide a sustainable source of water.

  • Local and Sustainable Food

Sand and gravel aquifers can provide a local source of groundwater that can supply small food enterprises. The ability to have access to a local, secure water supply is very important when trying to ensure long term sustainability of food production. Locally grown food reduces carbon emissions that are associated with transporting food across the planet. Having a local source of groundwater is one of the key requirements in providing sustainable food.



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