
A Preliminary Report was undertaken by TOBIN in 2012 to determine the best location for the treatment of wastewater from the Omeath Agglomeration and to identify the extent of works required to rehabilitate and upgrade the existing wastewater collection system.

The current phased development involves provision for a 1000p.e wastewater treatment plant, construction of new pumping station and an extension of the existing outfall.

The receiving waters are designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), a proposed National Heritage Area (pNHA), and a Shellfish water (designated under the European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) Regulations, S.I. 268 of 2006).

TOBIN Consulting Engineers was contracted as Lead Planning and Design Consultant by Irish Water for the Omeath Sewerage Scheme. The village of Omeath, Co. Louth currently has no wastewater treatment and discharges untreated effluent to Carlingford Lough.

Sustainable Transport: The specification of pre-fabricated units for treatment processes will limit the volume of construction traffic during the project.  It is envisaged that sludge thickening onsite will reduce the collection of sludge from the site and also reduce trips over the lifetime operation of the plant.

Sustainable Materials:  Rising mains for the pipeline are designed as a full welded high pressure main suitable for the variable ground conditions encountered along the route, which is designed to minimise maintenance and repair. In off-road locations the proposed pipeline will be backfilled above the pipe surround on-site materials as opposed to imported materials.

Sustainable Water: The proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant will eliminate the discharge of untreated wastewater to Carlingford Lough.

Land use and Wildlife: In order to assess the natural habitats and the local environment, an appropriate assessment and Natura Impact Statement has been prepared to limit the impact during construction.

Equity and Local Economy: The proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant will support Omeath in its role as a local rural service centre for its population and that of its rural hinterland.

The works facilitate the development of Omeath area particularly within the tourism sector. Over the long term, the Construction of a wastewater treatment will facilitate further economic development in the area, with associated socio-economic benefits.

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